Yep.....Today's my 49th Birthday. No big thang. This card was waiting for me this morning when I toddled up to the Coffee this morning with my eyes half shut!. It's from My sweet Father. Awwww....made me *Smile*
And then when I got to work, these were waiting for me.....
Again. Awwwww.....I am loved. :-) These were from my co-worker Mark. One of the nicer Union Guys......I know what you're probably thinking and stop it now! He's Married.
My Boss Tim surprised me with Pickle Dip and Garlic Triscuits.Yummmmmmm one of my favs!
And it also keeps Vampires away......LOL
Not sure what else is in store for today. So far it's been full of the unexpected. I kinda like that.
I think back to 1961. A much simpler time. Most Mom's were stay at home....
No X-Box, No Cell Phones, No Computers at home, No Dvr's, No Cable or Dish,
No texting, No Bread Making Machines, No "Boy's Toys" IE: Boats, Snowmobiles.
People lived with what they could afford. They SAVED up for it instead of buying it on credit.
If they couldn't pay cash then forget it.
As for us Kids, there was NO playing computer games, no X-Box or Nintendo on the T.V. We used our Imagination to have fun. We played OUTSIDE. We explored. If we were bored it was our own fault. So much to do.....swing, chase Ants, collect Rocks, jump rope, hopscotch, Bike Ride, catch a toad or just lay on the lawn facing the sky and dream. I just shake my head sometimes how most children of today have no idea how to entertain themselves. I grew up without all the hub bub and I turned out O.K. (IMHO)
My Mom used to have one day a week set aside for her baking day. She would spit out Pies and Cookies
like nobody's business. Nowaday's I'm finding alot of women that just don't care about Cooking OR Baking. What?!?! I can't imagine that. If I eat Fast Food for more than a couple days I crave GOOD FOOD.
Home made....not out of a box. I am becoming a rare breed.
"Everything I am or hope to be I owe to my Mother"
Mom taught me everything in the kitchen. I grew up to be a wonderful cook and baker and I enjoy it.
Surely not a chore. I know my way around a kitchen and I am proud to say it.
I better scoot for now.........Ta Ta