As of this morning I am down 31 POUNDS! Yeehah!
Random thoughts mixed with The Trials and Tribulations of a suddenly single Girls journey through Life and the dating scene in this new crazy world of ours....
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Sweet Success!

I have to admit I've let my weight creep up the last few years and I wasn't happy about it! Well I am ecstatic to say I've lost 23# in the last 4 weeks!! :-) I'm revisiting my closet and slowly discovering "Old" clothes that fit me like new. During my divorce and after I lost 63# and was actually "Skinny" BUT I wasn't healthy at all. I had depleted my body's vitamins down to -0- and I had developed a lame foot/leg meaning it literally dragged when I walked. Not a pretty sight. My doctor was not happy with me to say the least. Well slowly but surely I learned to eat again and the weight came back. UGH!
SO this time around I decided to shed some pounds the SMART way and it's working! It's coming off slower but it should and I know that.
SO this time around I decided to shed some pounds the SMART way and it's working! It's coming off slower but it should and I know that.
I came across a saying that goes like this....
Nothing tastes as good as being "Thin" feels
So true.....
so I'm on my Journey back to thin.
Wish me luck!
So true.....
so I'm on my Journey back to thin.
Wish me luck!
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Here comes Peter Cottontail...Hopping down the Bunny Trail
Can you tell where my mind has been drifting lately?
YES! It's almost here......
I've begun to start my Easter decorating........
Isn't my "Vase" the coolest thing ever!?!
I stole the Vintage Therm-A-Jug
off of E-Bay for a song a few weeks ago.
I've seen them go for as much as $90.00
but I whisked this one away for $24.99!
Still don't know how I got so lucky but I'll take it!
I can't wait to fill it with Daisies....Zinnias....Roses.......Lillies
the possibility's are endless with Summers Flower Bounty!
Here's what I did with my Dining Room Chandelier-
I got these Eggs at Michael's yesterday.
This pic doesn't do it justice really.
It is sooo pretty in person.....
they look like Glass Eggs but are actually plastic.
And I thank God for that as I dropped a few
while trying to tie the illuision string. Oooops LOL
My love of decorating always spills
into my work life as well.......
It's a sickness...and I need help..... I swear!
I've only just begun but I hope you enjoyed my
"Glimpse" of "Spring" that's in the air at my house.
Friday, February 3, 2012
A very special Man in my life has a Birthday!
Yep....My Dad/Papa/Father has a birthday Today
and he turned 80!
and he turned 80!
This is a pic of My Dad (Paul) and his Lady Friend Joyce from 2010.
He met her about 1 1/2 years after my Mother passed away and they've been thick as thieves ever since! I tease him that we're sure glad she came around to keep him
out of our hair!
out of our hair!
Tonight we are headed to Red Lobster for a Birthday Supper Celebration!
Afterwards, we will enjoy the Spice Cake with Maple Frosting
I lovingly whipped up for him.
Without My Dad's neverending Love, Support, Wisdom and occassional cash (LOL ;-)
lord knows where I'd be right now.
Hoping we have many more years together! I love you Dad.......
with all my Heart and then some.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
It's SUPERBOWL Time and I"m just sayin it IS all about "FOOD"
Invited my Big Brother over for the Game on Sunday.
Here's the Menu~Keepin it "Simple"
My Ex Mother In Law's Broiled "SPAM" and Velveeta Buns
Deviled Eggs
Strawberry Jello with Bananas and Cool Whip
Asstd Veggies and Dip
**Heavenly Warm Corn Dip with Scoop Fritos
Lemon Bars
**Red Velvet Gooey Butter Cookies
** Indicates new recipes for me-
see Pic's and recipes below
My Brother will be the Guinea Pig once again LOL
The Recipe for " Heavenly Warm Corn Dip" is in the Gooseberry Patch
Cookbook "Homemade in a Hurry."
Heavenly Warm Corn Dip
from Gooseberry Patch's Homestyle in a Hurry
8 oz. package cream cheese, softened
10 oz. can diced tomatoes with chilies, drained
15 1/4 oz. can yellow corn, drained
15 oz. can shoepeg corn, drained
2 t. ground cumin
2 t. chili powder
1 t. garlic powder
salt to taste
Mix all ingredients together in a microwave-safe bowl. Microwave on high until heated through and cheese is melted, 2 to 3 minutes. Stir to blend; serve warm. Makes 8 to 12 servings.
I give credit to a new blog I discovered called
"Taste and Tell"
for the recipe for Red Velvet Gooey Butter Cookies
o 8-oz cream cheese, at room temperature
o 1/2 cup butter, at room temperature
o 1 egg
o 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
o 1 box red velvet cake mix
o confectioners' sugar, for dusting
o In the bowl of a mixer, cream together the cream cheese and the butter. Beat in the egg, then the vanilla. Beat in the cake mix until completely combined. Cover and refrigerate for at least 2 hours.
o Preheat the oven to 350°F.
o Roll the chilled dough into tablespoon sized balls. Roll in confectioners' sugar, and place on an ungreased baking sheet. Bake in the preheated oven for 12 minutes.
Remove to a wire rack to cool.
Yields 2 dozen
I'm all about trying new recipes and
these two got rave reviews so I can wait to try them!!
Can you say "PIG OUT??";-)
I'm still Alive and Kickin ;-)
Lesson One:
It totally "Sucks" not having a home computer hooked up!
It totally "Sucks" not having a home computer hooked up!
Getting no Internet time other than work is making me
Wow! I swear it was just Christmas and here we are ...February 1st!
Minne"Snowta" Winter has been very kind to us this year. I can't wrap my head around the fact that this past week we have been in the 40's and just may hit 50! January like no other I've ever lived thru. There is literally almost NONE of the "White Stuff" hanging around and you can see grass almost everywhere you look. Unbelievable but I'll take it!! The biggest Snowfall we've had this season is 3 inches! We haven't even had any bitter cold this year. Makes me wonder what Summer will have in store. I'm thinkin it's going to be miserably hot.....time will tell.
I do know that my Perrenials are suffering with no ground cover though.....I planted some new Hyacinth last Fall....I'm hoping they survive and come up in the Spring. The ground is gonna be Thirsty that I know for sure.
I've been dealing with the normal Seasonal Disorder of depression and it sucks. I never used to get this way....I blame it on the last few years of my life. I admit it.....I've been through hell....I'm broke.....I'm lonely. Oh sure Miss Shelby is always wonderful to come home to but I so miss a companion
in my life.
But to Quote Gloria Gaynor....."I WILL SURVIVE"
and have so far.....I keep telling myself life will get better....I do have a small pittance of "Hope" left in me.
Don't really know if I even had any readers...but in case I do...I'm Here in my little corner of the world being selfish and staying to myself mostly.
Most of all.........I miss "Me". Sometimes I think I may never see her again and that makes me so sad.
Trying to *Smile*
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