I am totally down and out with the worst Ear Infection I have ever had!
It started last week when I began to experience little pains at times in my Left Ear. The kind where it tells you that maybe just maybe something is a brewing that is not good! By Saturday it was getting quite uncomfortable so I went to Urgent Care at my local Clinic. An hour 1/2 later I walked out with the antibiotic Zithromax and some Mucinex to try and clear my sinus membranes. Doctor was sure in a few days I would start to feel better. O.k. ... Thank you.
Well by Monday it actually was getting worse instead of better so I went to see our Nurse Practitioner at work. She took a peek and said my ear drum was quite inflamed and surrounded by fluid. Asked me what drug the Doc gave me
and kind of looked dumbstruck when I told her. Little did I know but at the time she was thinking..Hmmmm? Zithromax? Well o.k. She gave me some drops for my Ear for pain and told me that if it wasn't feeling better by Thursday come and see her. Well I only made it to Wed and called her. "I am not getting better I am getting even worse! She wanted to switch the Antibiotic as Zithromax was known for Pneumonia and such. NOT Ear Infections....greaaaat so now I leave with Amoxicillian. By Thursday I was in such pain I was almost in tears and called the Nurse begging for some oral pain killers.Umm....she can't give me a controlled substance! So went to Urgent care again last night! Finally a Doctor that knew something! She examined my Ear quite carefully and told me no wonder I was in such pain as my Ear canal was/is almost swollen shut! She tried a few procedures to get me on the road to healing .....told me I was NOT going to work today and 3 hours later I'm in the pharmacy with more drugs to pick up. Thank God!! PAIN PILLS..... and antibiotic/steroid ear medicine!! ;-)
I have been nursing myself with Pain Pills and sleeping most the day away.
Poor Shelby.....Momma's sick....but she's a good little snuggler. Thankful for that!
I swear I NEVER want this kind of pain ever again! Praying that by Monday I may start to get some relief from all this. Meanwhile I can't hear a flippin thing so I'm constantly saying "WHAT?" "Eh?" I've become my Dad! LOL
Hope you all have a great weekend.....mine is gonna be spent laying low.
I wish I could bring you some soup! I hope you feel better TODAY!