Wednesday, April 25, 2012

It's working!

As of this morning I am down 31 POUNDS! Yeehah!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Sweet Success!

I have to admit I've let my weight creep up the last few years and I wasn't happy about it! Well I am ecstatic to say I've lost 23# in the last 4 weeks!! :-) I'm revisiting my closet and slowly discovering "Old" clothes that fit me like new. During my divorce and after I lost 63# and was actually "Skinny" BUT I wasn't healthy at all. I had depleted my body's vitamins down to -0- and I had developed a lame foot/leg meaning it literally dragged when I walked. Not a pretty sight. My doctor was not happy with me to say the least. Well slowly but surely I learned to eat again and the weight came back. UGH!

SO this time around I decided to shed some pounds the SMART way and it's working! It's coming off slower but it should and I know that.

I came across a saying that goes like this....
Nothing tastes as good as being "Thin" feels

So true.....
so I'm on my Journey back to thin.
Wish me luck!